Breakout I

12:35 PM – 1:05 PM ET

Working Smarter: Leverage AI to Make Informed Security Decisions

Governments are looking to take advantage of their vast data sets with new breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI). By automating dataflows and using algorithms, agencies and organizations can make decisions at unprecedented speeds. This panel of visionaries will discuss how their organizations have adopted AI and machine learning, and share best practices for those looking to start their AI journey.

Lauren Knausenberger, Chief Innovation Officer, USAF
Moderator: Michael Sentonas, CTO, CrowdStrike
Under Siege: How Local Governments Can Avoid the Ransomware Outbreak

For state and local governments, the damage caused by ransomware has been unrelenting and unprecedented. Cities both big and small have been impacted, causing chaos for citizen services while also draining money from already tight budgets. Our panel of experts will talk about things they’ve done to avoid an attack and what security teams have learned in the aftermath of prior incidents.

Michael Geraghty, CISO, State of New Jersey & Director, NJ Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell
Deborah Blyth, CISO, State of Colorado
Joseph Daniels, CIO, Illinois State Treasurer
Moderator: Thomas Etheridge, SVP of Services, CrowdStrike
COVID-19: How the Global Pandemic Changed Cybersecurity and the World Forever

The coronavirus pandemic has upended global industries in ways we never thought possible. The implications for cybersecurity have proven to be significant. Organizations across the world are scrambling to adjust to this new dynamic and embrace an exponential increase in their remote workforce, with little to no planning or maturity in their IT and security processes. Adversaries are keenly aware of these challenges, and security professionals are racing to combat these issues — like phishing, eCrime and targeted intrusion — as fast as they can. This panel will discuss best practices and explore methods for securing these new and evolving threat vectors.

Adam Hickey, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, DOJ
Tonya Ugoretz, Deputy Assistant Director, Cyber Division, FBI
Ervan Rodgers, CIO & Assistant Director, State of Ohio
Moderator: Jerry Dixon, CISO, CrowdStrike