
#2014Budget: 10 tweets from @stevenvDC

U.S. Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel took to Twitter on Wednesday afternoon to explain the federal government information technology budget request to his followers. Writing from @stevenvdc,…

DOD budget returns to pre-sequestration numbers

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (Photo: DOD) The Defense Department’s budget will return to pre-sequestration numbers under the 2014 fiscal year budget President Barack Obama released Wednesday. The…

8 highlights of the 2014 federal budget

President Barack Obama officially released Wednesday the 2014 fiscal year federal budget that includes a 2 percent bump in information technology spending across the government. In Obama’s…

FedPod: Inside FedOSS and the new #socialgov FedScoop’s Luke Fretwell discusses the FedOSS open source podcast and FedScoop’s new #socialgov feature.