The Daily Scoop Podcast
  • The Daily Scoop Podcast

What’s at stake in the AI national security memo; the DOD braces to modernize defenses against quantum hacking

In remarks on the new AI national security memo delivered Thursday at National Defense University, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan highlighted the potential AI has for the country’s national security advantage but spoke in dire terms about taking action. Sullivan said simply: “The stakes are high” and if the nation doesn’t act more intentionally to seize advantages and to deploy AI more quickly and more comprehensively for national security, the U.S. risks “squandering our hard-earned lead” with the technology.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is bracing for what’s ahead in the shift to focus on post-quantum encryption and the arrival of quantum computers. Among all of the cybersecurity modernization efforts underway at the Defense Department, cryptography has recently moved to the top of Deputy CIO for Cybersecurity David McKeown’s list of priorities. Speaking at AFCEA DC’s annual Tech Summit on Thursday, McKeown said the effort will likely be a big lift for the department given its timeline and scale.

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The Daily Scoop Podcast

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