The Daily Scoop Podcast
  • The Daily Scoop Podcast

How Congress wants to hold agencies accountable on digital service delivery

Last month, FedScoop reported exclusive news from an interview with Congressman Ro Khanna, the Democratic representative from the Silicon Valley area in California. In those stories, reporter Nihal Krishan highlighted Khanna’s new legislation that looks to hold federal agencies accountable for digital service delivery and how the congressman hopes to see workers better represented on the boards of AI companies and rank-and-file employees be sufficiently consulted when AI tools are rolled out within the government and beyond.

Now we wanted to share the entirety of that interview to highlight everything Khanna is focused on going forward in 2024.

The Daily Scoop Podcast is available every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
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The Daily Scoop Podcast

Tuesday and Thursday

We discuss the latest news and trends facing government leaders on such topics as technology, management and workforce. The program will explore headlines of the day as well as in depth discussions with top executives in both government and industry.
