The Daily Scoop Podcast
  • The Daily Scoop Podcast

Establishing a culture of innovation across federal agencies.

Chief innovation officer – it’s a title you don’t often see across the federal government. But at the Transporation Security Administration, it’s become a critical role for building and sustaining a culture of innovation and creating an environment that incentivizes anyone across the agency to innovate.

Dan McCoy served as chief innovation officer at TSA from May 2020 to Oct. 2022. Now the head of business development for BMNT, McCoy joins the Daily Scoop Podcast to discuss what he learned during his time as chief innovator at TSA and how other federal agencies can take that blueprint to create of culture of innovation, whether they have a chief innovation officer or not.

The Daily Scoop Podcast is available every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
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The Daily Scoop Podcast

Monday through Friday

The Daily Scoop Podcast

We discuss the latest news and trends facing government leaders on such topics as technology, management and workforce. The program will explore headlines of the day as well as in depth discussions with top executives in both government and industry.
