
Guest Columns

Words shape our perceptions of the world, so perhaps we need different language to describe cybersecurity concepts. (iStockphoto)

Do we need a new language to describe cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity terms like “zero-day attack” and “advanced persistent threat” carry connotations of armed conflict.
“Safety First” signs seem almost cliché now — not so in the years prior to the Industrial Revolution. (iStockphoto)

Bridging the cybersecurity culture gap

Commentary: Organizations should consider how the idea of workplace safety has evolved if they want strategies for baking cybersecurity into their culture.

The innovator’s mindset

In the digital era, it's important not only for companies but also individuals to innovate. Fortunately, developing an innovator's mindset is possible.
In some cases, driverless cars may be following the rules too perfectly. (Steve Jurvetson/Flickr)

The human side of cybersecurity

From autonomous cars to cybersecurity, technology is only as perfect as the human interacting with it.
Ex-servicemen receive practical instruction on an operator board in 1946. What can the cybersecurity industry learn from telephone utilities as it strives to boost reliability? (State Library of Victoria/Flickr)

The 99.999 percent cybersecurity problem

FedScoop contributing columnist JR Reagan suggests it's time to ask how cybersecurity might achieve the same 'nine fives' reliability standard set elsewhere.