Gov Actually
  • Gov Actually

Gov Actually Episode 42: Talking presidential history with a ‘moonlighting’ presidential historian

You probably wouldn’t expect a former federal chief risk officer to be an authoritative source of information on presidential history — but in the case of David Fisher, you’d be wrong.

While Fisher now spends his days as a managing director for public sector risk consulting with Guidehouse, he “moonlights” as a presidential historian, as Gov Actually co-host Danny Werfel puts it.

Gov Actually is back with a new episode in which Werfel and co-host Dan Tangherlini pepper Fisher with questions about the history of the commander in chief role and how it has evolved over time, comparing and contrasting today’s political climate with that of the early days of America.

“I called him because I really wanted to understand what I had been missing and really start to relate to the toxicity of politics we see today to what we saw at the founding,” Werfel says on the podcast, admitting that his idea to bring Fisher on starts with his love for “Hamilton” the musical. “I thought we’d talk about Hamilton and Jefferson and Washington and Madison and Monroe and how they all kind of hated each other… and see if we can learn something from that past and see what kind of optimistic threads we can pull for our future.”

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Gov Actually

Gov Actually

Gov Actually is the podcast that explores how the federal government actually works. Hosted by government luminary Dan Tangherlini, the show candidly explores the operations and management elements that really drive the federal government but are too overshadowed by politics.
