Gov Actually
  • Gov Actually

Gov Actually Ep. 52 — Talking infrastructure

Gov Actually is back with a new episode to discuss the implementation of President Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

Hosts Dan Tangherlini and Danny Werfel discuss the work that it took to get here with the passage and signing of the infrastructure plan into law, and what it’s now going to take to put the framework into action.

“Implementation, in my opinion, is the harder part,” Werfel says.

Hear more from Dan and Danny on the new episode. And catch all of the Gov Actually episodes on SoundcloudApple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PlayStitcher or Alexa’s TuneIn.

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Gov Actually

Gov Actually

Gov Actually is the podcast that explores how the federal government actually works. Hosted by government luminary Dan Tangherlini, the show candidly explores the operations and management elements that really drive the federal government but are too overshadowed by politics.
