- The Daily Scoop Podcast
IT Modernization at the VA; Latest round of Stars III awards; CIOs bringing CX front and center
On today’s episode of The Daily Scoop Podcast, the General Services Administration is still conducting market research for its Governmentwide Cloud Blanket Purchase Agreement.
More than 500 businesses across the United States have been selected for the second round of awards on the 8(a) Stars III governmentwide acquisition contract. Alan Thomas, chief operating officer at IntelliBridge and former commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service at GSA, discusses what stands out for government and the vendor community.
Meeting the principles of the customer experience executive order is one potential new category for the FITARA Scorecard. Simon Szykman, senior vice president for client growth at Maximus and former chief information officer at the Department of Commerce, discusses the role of federal chief information officers in implementing the EO.
The new chief information officer at the Department of Veterans Affairs says he’s getting the lay of the land before he makes big decisions about the agency’s technology posture. Kurt DelBene, assistant secretary for information and technology and chief information officer at the Department of Veterans Affairs, testified about the agency’s IT projects at the House Veterans Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Technology Modernization and Oversight & Investigations.
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