The White House announced yesterday that Obama will hold a LinkedIn Town Hall on Monday, September 26, at the company’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. A time has yet to be announced.
“During the town hall, the president will answer questions about job creation and the economy from members across the country and hear directly from LinkedIn users who range from small business owners and employees to community college students to veterans,” the White House said.
Citizens can submit questions on the LinkedIn website.
“During the past several months, the national conversation has been increasingly focused on the state of the U.S. economy,” LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner wrote on a company blog. “This town hall is an invitation from the White House to people from across the country for an open exchange on one of our most pressing objectives as a nation: the creation of jobs and economic opportunity.”
The visit is part of Obama’s three-day trip to the West Coast, including events in Seattle, the San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles and San Diego.
This will be Obama’s third major Internet town hall. He held one at Facebook’s headquarters in April and hosted a Twitter Town Hall at the White House in July.