
Treasury’s T-Cloud

Treasury Department
(Getty Images)

The Department of the Treasury is developing an enterprise capability that provides a full suite of cloud products, services and support from multiple providers. Called TCloud, the acquisition looks to award a contract to a single vendor to broker cloud usage across the larger Treasury multi-cloud ecosystem to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. And such a job comes with a big price tag, likely more than $1 billion when it’s all said and done.

Billy Mitchell

Written by Billy Mitchell

Billy Mitchell is Senior Vice President and Executive Editor of Scoop News Group's editorial brands. He oversees operations, strategy and growth of SNG's award-winning tech publications, FedScoop, StateScoop, CyberScoop, EdScoop and DefenseScoop. After earning his degree at Virginia Tech and winning the school's Excellence in Print Journalism award, Billy received his master's degree from New York University in magazine writing.

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