Federal Data Strategy team extends target dates, prioritizes coronavirus response data

The Federal Data Strategy team is extending target dates in its 2020 action plan as agencies focus on “mission-critical” activities and minimize face-to-face interactions in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
In March, the Office of Management and Budget issued a memo realigning federal resources in the short-term to slow the spread of COVID-19.
That directive had ramifications for the Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan, which prioritizes initial steps for building data capacity, designates who’s in charge and sets targets for agencies.
“[T]he Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan is adjusting actions by extending several agency target dates by one month and one shared solution target date by three months,” reads the updated website. “In addition, in places where the Federal Data Strategy calls for agencies to prioritize data assets and projects, the agencies are making sure to include their COVID-19 response data as their highest priority.”
Action 2 advises agencies to establish a data governance body, and its target date for dedicating staff to the entity shifted from Sept. 30 to Oct. 31.
The plan recommends agencies conduct an initial maturity assessment of data and data infrastructure in action 3, and its target date for selecting an operational maturity assessment model moved from June 30 to July 31.
Agencies were also supposed to assess staff data literacy and skills by June 30 under action 4, but the target date was moved to July 31.
Action 6 directs agencies to update existing data inventories with standard metadata for ingestion and search engine optimization, which was supposed to be completed by July 31. That target date has now been set for 90 days after OMB and the General Services Administration issue standard metadata guidance, which has yet to happen.
The shared solution action 19 encourages agencies to develop data quality measuring and reporting guidance, starting with a report on best practices for determining the quality data created from multiple sources or secondary use. That report was expected June 30 but is now targeted for Sept. 30.
The Federal Data Strategy team is also asking agencies for any data-related coronavirus news with plans to highlight best practices.
“The Federal Data Strategy team will continue to monitor the pandemic’s impact on agencies and welcome conversations with them about specific concerns they may have in the coming weeks,” reads an email from the team.