
FedMentor of the Week: Martha Dorris

Martha Dorris is our FedMentor of the Week!

Dorris is the Deputy Associate Administrator in the U.S. General Services Administration’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies. With over 30 years of experience in the information technology arena within government and industry, she has led the Office of Citizen Services to be a place of innovation, citizen services while delivering real results. Currently, Ms. Dorris is leading the creation of products and services that will enable the Federal government to be open, transparent and participatory.

As the DAA for the Office of Citizen Services, Ms. Dorris has created an integrated delivery of government information to citizens, businesses and government in English and Spanish via the Internet, phone or in print. Internet delivery is provided through, and other consumer websites as well as many social media channels, telephone at 1-800-FED INFO or through the Pueblo publications center. Ms. Dorris was responsible for supporting version 1 of the website that provides citizens with the ability to track where their money is being spent as a result of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009. Ms. Dorris creates products and services that enable other Federal agencies to improve their service to the public. She has been instrumental in providing leadership in implementing web 2.0 technologies in the Federal government. In 2009, OCS engaged with the public over 240 million times.


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