Former CTO returns to FCC

A familiar face is returning to the Federal Communications Commission.
Henning Schulzrinne, the agency’s CTO from 2011 to 2014, will return as senior adviser for technology in the agency’s Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced last week.
At the end of the year he will return to the CTO role, taking over for current FCC CTO Scott Jordan.
Schulzrinne has also been serving as a part time adviser to the agency while working at Columbia University as a computer science and electrical engineering professor, according to the announcement.
“Henning’s return to the agency ensures the Commission will continue to have outstanding technology expertise on hand as we tackle the policy problems of today’s complex communications networks,” Wheeler said in a statement. “Henning’s experience and vision have been invaluable to our work.”
Jordan, who will leave the agency in December, has been at the FCC since 2014. His work has been “instrumental” in contributing to rulemakings on topics such as set-top boxes and broadband privacy, Wheeler said.
“With complex technical challenges such as broadband privacy and confronting robocalls and spoofing, I am grateful both that Henning has agreed to return and that he and Scott will overlap for a time,” Wheeler said.