The Small Business Administration is searching for a deputy chief information officer. The position pays between $119,554 and $179,700 per year and is open for applications until May 3.
As the Deputy Chief Information Officer, you will serve as the principle advisor to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and other senior leaders, including several Presidential appointees and senior executives on information technology issues.
You will assist the CIO in overseeing and administering broad emerging, and critical information management and technology programs, to achieve specified goals and objectives. You will evaluate the overall effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of these programs, and recommend actions to initiate, modify, or discontinue programs and/or projects as needed.
You will provide leadership and technical support to the CIO, and other staff in the formulation and administration of policies affecting the Office of the Chief Information Officer’s (OCIO) programs and activities. You will develop and implement short and long-range strategic plans for organizational development and achievement of OCIO’s mission. You will integrate a comprehensive budget analysis and planning process into the strategic plan for OCIO development. You will analyze OCIO work processes, such as program monitoring and technical assistance to maximize the value of OCIO practices to practitioners, in the information management and technology area within the broader goals of SBA.
You will provide executive leadership of the Small Business Administration’s IT planning and management activities. You will manage directly and through subordinate supervisors, a blended Federal and contractor work force in providing optimum IT services. You will identify the need for the design of IT systems and coordinate the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of SBA’s IT policies, procedures, and systems to ensure cost effectiveness.
You will manage and oversee IT projects. In support and advancement of the SBA’s strategic and mission objectives, you will participate with the CIO in the planning, acquisition, management, performance measurement, and improvement of IT programs and will ensure that these programs are in accordance with the mandates of the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, the President’s Initiatives, and the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act.
You will participate with the CIO in leading SBA to realize the optimum utility of IT by assisting senior SBA leaders in recognizing where new technology would enhance performance while transforming or supporting program operations, and by conceptualizing, designing, testing, implementing and evaluating SBA’s IT applications. You will share with the CIO in developing and implementing SBA’s Enterprise (IT) Architecture.
You will identify and arrange to fulfill all requirements for IT support activities to ensure that SBA’s investment in IT achieves its potential, such as: user training, maintenance of IT equipment and the physical plant required to protect and employ it, help-desk operations, security (physical and cyber), tracking and documentation of IT resources and costs, and reporting requirements within and external to the agency.
On behalf of the CIO, you will chair the Business Information Technology Council (BTIC), which is comprised of key Agency Management Board Staff and District Directors, and participate in e-Government initiatives.
You will actively participate in boards and committees as SBA’s representative in dealing with matters which extend well beyond the assigned program responsibility. You will conduct formal presentations at a variety of interagency and professional meetings, seminars, and conferences.
You will represent the CIO at conferences, meetings, hearings with high-ranking officials of Federal, state, local governments, nongovernmental agencies, and national organizations whose activities relate to the above program areas (e .g. OMB, OPM, GSA, GAO, EEOC, and Congressional Appropriations Committees.)
You will implement best practices for operational excellence which includes re-engineering work processes, leveraging the use of technology to improve operations, and implementing performance metrics to measure and monitor performance.
You will provide executive leadership in managing resources to ensure activities are aligned with the President’s initiatives and SBA’s strategic goals and objectives. You will implement creative business solutions and strategies to meet unanticipated challenges.
You will ensure the effective internal administration of the Agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program for the offices under your supervision.