The White House launched a renewed WhiteHouse.gov on Friday that aims to be easier to use and provide clearer paths to clear information, said White House Director of Digital Strategy Macon Phillips.
“Most visitors aren’t just stopping by; they’re looking for specific information about the President and his policies,” said Phillips. “With these changes, we’re applying the lessons we’ve learned from our earlier updates and making sure that the homepage is a gateway to our most timely and important content. It puts tools to search the site front and center and makes the page easier to navigate. We’ve also made it easier to catch live events broadcast on WhiteHouse.gov/live and highlighted the many White House social media accounts.”
The site upgrade is the latest in a number of new initiatives launched on WhiteHouse.gov in the past 18 months, including the new White House blog, updated “Briefing Room” and “Issues” sections and an expanded “Inside the White House,” an inside look at the history of the building.