The Army got a new chief information officer this week — Maj. Gen. Bruce T. Crawford took the role Aug. 1.
The job is a dual one as CIO and G-6. In the first part Crawford will set strategy for the Army network, oversee the $10 billion IT investments budget and more. As G-6 he’ll advise the chief of staff of the Army on “network, communications, signal operations, information security, force structure, and equipping.”
Crawford has held myriad roles in the Army in his 31 years of service. Most recently, until April, he served as commander of the Army Communications-Electronics Command and Aberdeen Proving Ground senior mission commander.
Lt. Gen. Robert Ferrell, the previous CIO/G-6, was the Army’s first. He took the role in December 2013 and retired in April. Since then, Gary Wang held the CIO role in the interim.