
LifeArmor app helps vets reach new normal


The National Center for Telehealth and Technology released the LifeArmor app that helps service members and veterans cope with returning home and discovering a new “normal.”

Modeled after and available on iPhone, iPad and Android systems, the app provides information on 17 different topics where post-deployment issues can impact. Each topic includes an assessment, information about concerns related to the topic, videos of those who coped with an issue, and tools to help cope with psychological concerns and traumatic brain injury.

“The app features many of the issues that are common to service members and military families, including tips for families and friendships, life stress and anxiety, mild traumatic brain injury, anger, substance abuse and military sexual trauma,” said Dr. Julie Kinn, T2 psychologist and mobile applications lead.


The tools offer different ways to help users cope with stress, such as a time-out clock for parents who may need time to themselves or a writing tool for inspiration when a user may be going through a tough time.

The “Gratitude Letter” writing tool encourages users to write a note of thanks to someone who has made a difference in their lives — an activity that can help lift moods and enhance a relationship with a supportive person.

Like, “LifeArmor” assessments, educational materials and tools are evidence-based resources that help manage post-deployment concerns. With the introduction of the app, users can navigate through an issue and access a variety of provider-approved materials and support immediately from the palm of their hand.

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