
OPM Memo Outlines Competencies for IT Program Work

Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry sent a memo to Chief Human Capital Officers last week that outlines the results of a study to identify critical competencies for information technology program work.

The study, done in concert with the CIO Council and the Office of Management and Budget, will be used in developing the IT program management career path.

From Berry:

Subject matter experts provided key insights, and employees and supervisors across the Government completed surveys to paint a comprehensive picture of IT program management work. We are pleased to provide the attached IT program management competency model to support your human resources initiatives. The competencies identified may be used in such agency efforts as workforce planning, training and development, performance management, recruitment, and selection.  When used for selection, the competencies must be used in conjunction with the appropriate qualification standard.  Results for both IT program and project managers are presented in the attached summary document.

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