
U.S., China could share logistical resources

The United States and China are on the brink of a “groundbreaking development” as officials from both nations plan to meet to discuss sharing logistical resources, including fuel, during counterpiracy and humanitarian assistance missions.

The United States has officially extended the invitation for a team of senior Chinese logisticians to visit Washington in early 2013 to discuss the possibility of a first-ever logistics cooperation agreement between the two countries, Air Force Brig. Gen. Mark M. McLeod told American Forces Press Service.

If adopted, the arrangement would enable the United States and China to share fuel, food, supplies, and even vessel parts to support their joint operations, he said.

McLeod called the potential agreement a great foundation for other military-to-military cooperation that supports national security strategies for both United States and China.


“Obviously, both militaries are interested in regional security. Both militaries are interested in freedom of passage through areas. There are a lot of things going where we share common interests,” he said.

“But this is the first time, at least from a logistics standpoint, that we have reached out and they have been very receptive to those ideas,” McLeod said. “That is pretty groundbreaking for us.”

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