GSA’s Alliant 2 deadline pushed back

The General Services Administration has pushed back the deadline for its $50 billion Alliant 2 governmentwide IT-buying vehicle.
The proposal deadline for the largest government contract in a decade has been pushed back to Sept. 13, with the small business side delayed until Sept. 12.
In a Thursday blog post, Mary Davie, assistant commissioner of GSA’s Office of Integrated Technology Services said the agency is using the delay to “be sure that our intentions are vetted, are on the right track, and cover all angles.”
“I’m confident that our stakeholders will be pleased and I cannot overemphasize how important the collaboration is to ensuring we develop and provide a superior GWAC solution for the government,” she wrote.
The next-gen contract is a follow up to the premier federal IT governmentwide acquisition contract, Alliant, which pools custom IT providers on one full-range vehicle to meet the evolving needs of federal agencies.
Like many of GSA’s governmentwide contracts, the new Alliant 2 vehicles are indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts, inviting IT contractors to compete for a spot on the vehicle off of which agencies can place task orders for their services.