
Michael Daniel: ‘Cybersecurity matters to everyone’

Borders — that’s what Michael Daniel, cybersecurity coordinator at the White House, said are both the strength and downfall when considering cybersecurity. Daniel argues people’s emphasis on borders is misplaced.

“There are borders and boundaries everywhere in cyberspace; everywhere that networks, routers, servers, devices and people touch the Internet there are borders,” Daniels wrote in an Oct. 17 post on the White House blog. “Instead, what cyberspace lacks is an interior — there is really no ‘protected inside’ to a network, a space that is far away and insulated from what happens at the edge.”

This October marks the 10th anniversary of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Daniels has worked with other members of the administration to double down on government efforts to combat cyber-attacks to the U.S. Daniels said this is a collective effort as a country; despite more people than ever being aware of cyber-threats, there is still much work to be done.


“Even though the Internet feels like it’s been around for a long time, we are still learning as a society about how to operate safely and securely online,” Daniels said.

Daniels has been the force behind the adoption of the cybersecurity framework, working to create the policy and develop incentives for other arms of the government to adopt it.

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