The National Archives is looking for some more cloud

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) needs more “flexibility and efficiency” from its cloud services.
The independent agency posted a request for information recently, soliciting feedback from companies on a potential plan to replace its enterprise cloud contract. The contract listing is called “Platform & Infrastructure for Cloud Archives & Records Depositories” or, in acronym form, PICARD.
The requirements of a new cloud contract spring from the directive that NARA transition to fully electronic record keeping, and stop collecting paper records, by the end of 2022.
“Beginning January 1, 2023, all other legal transfers of permanent records must be in electronic format, to the fullest extent possible, regardless of whether the records were originally created in electronic formats,” an Office of Management and Budget memo from July states. “After that date, agencies will be required to digitize permanent records in analog formats before transfer to NARA.”
NARA currently uses Amazon Web Services, but is considering moving to multi-cloud. The agency recognizes that “other agencies transferring records to NARA could be transferring them from any cloud hosting environment and NARA needs to be prepared for ensuring efficient transfer of records into its legal and logical custody.”
The agency also has new functionalities in mind, and as such “requires the flexibility to expand its cloud presence.”
Responses to the RFI are due Feb. 20.