OPM developing integrated digital employee record, asks for industry help

The Office of Personnel Management is looking to develop a single integrated employee digital record for federal employees.
The agency issued a request for information on IT systems that can help integrate the disparate data of a federal employee’s work history held in OPM’s and other agencies’ systems around government into a single digital record.
“Currently, Human Resource data systems lack integration within agencies and interoperability among and between agencies and service providers,” the RFI said. “This results in redundancy, inefficient and occasionally inaccurate reporting, complex and costly vendor management, and incomplete data that makes it difficult to apply needed business processes to core HR functions.”
OPM is calling for IT contractors to provide new solutions to build out its vision for an employee digital record — but it cautioned that “generic technology solution statements” would not be considered by the agency. The agency has already built a prototype, which it highlights in the RFI.
The RFI also noted that OPM will hold an industry Thursday at agency headquarters to inform stakeholders about the requirements it is looking for.
RFI respondents may also be called upon by the agency to provide an operational capability demonstration of their technology solution the week of June 18 in Macon, Ga.
OPM has recently tested new technology to help make a federal employee’s work history more shareable across federal networks, including a blockchain prototype to track employee transfers between agencies.
Interested stakeholders have until June 13 to respond.