
The Fed Files: The End in Iraq, Furloughs and the Fastlane

“Welcome home …”

A little more about Wednesday’s big announcement regarding Iraq: President Obama’s full remarks. By the numbers: 1.5 million Americans served; 30,000 wounded; 4,500 died.

Some info on government furloughs …


Aneesh’s latest on Quora

DoD will announce 2011 Chief Information Officer Award Winners today at 3 p.m. …

The Blueprint. No, not Jay-Z. We’re talking the DHS Blueprint for Cyber …

The Office of Government Information Services gets a new home …

MobileGov Housewarming & Wikithon on December 20 …


Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy turns 10 …

And the nominees are …

Ray LaHood answers questions for December:

The FedFiles posts each morning at 6 a.m. with news from around the federal government. Submit news items to David Stegon at Follow him on Twitter @davidstegon.

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