The National Security Agency, in partnership with the Open Source Software Institute, will host an Open Source Software Industry Day conference at Johns Hopkins University APL Kossiakoff Conference Center on May 30 in Laurel, Md.
The event will feature speakers from the NSA as well as industry and open source development community experts.
Currently, there are more than 30 breakout sessions scheduled to address issues of technology development, collaboration, security, use and maintenance of open source software in the areas of information assurance and security practices, embedded and mobile systems, cloud sourcing and large-data distribution, system analytics and bidirectional technology transfer.
“The purpose of the NSA-OSSI Open Source Software Industry Day is to facilitate interaction between government adopters and representatives from the open source industry and development community,” said event co-chairman John Farrell of HP Enterprise Security. “In keeping with the open source community spirit, we’re doing everything we can to ensure this is affordable for everyone. Our objective is to deliver an open and interactive event where attendees will have the chance to engage directly with speakers and participate in the exchange.”