Bill to establish AI training programs for federal agency leaders progresses in Senate

Bipartisan legislation that would create an artificial intelligence training program for federal supervisors and management officials has passed the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
The AI Leadership Training Act, which is sponsored by Sens. Gary Peters, D-Mich., and Mike Braun, R-Ind., will now move forward to be debated by lawmakers on the Senate floor.
The bill is intended to provide guidance to federal leaders for decision-making about the use of AI technology and to make sure that the risks and rewards of using such systems are properly assessed to benefit both agency missions and American communities.
If it passes into law, the proposed legislation would require the director of the Office of Personnel Management to provide and regularly update an AI training program for federal government supervisors and management officials.
It would build on provisions included in the government spending bill for fiscal 2023, which was signed into law in January. Those provisions sought to ensure that federal agencies have the resources they need to make sure that the use of AI across government is effective, ethical and accountable.
Commenting on the legislation, Sen. Peters said: “Artificial intelligence has the potential to make the federal government more efficient, but only if government leadership is properly trained to ensure this technology benefits the American people”
“My bipartisan legislation will ensure supervisors and management officials have the resources to make informed decisions regarding AI technology and its use in the federal government,” he added.
Sen. Braun said: “In the past couple of years, we have seen unprecedented development and adoption of AI across industries. We must ensure that government leaders are trained to keep up with the advancements in AI and recognize the benefits and risks of this tool.”