GSA announces request for proposals for no-ceiling Alliant 3 contract

The General Services Administration on Friday announced a request for proposal for its Alliant 3 Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), which has no maximum dollar ceiling.
GSA’s new GWAC is a multiple-award, indefinite-delivery and indefinite-quantity contract tied to providing a broad range of IT-based service solutions, and may include technology integration related to services being acquired, according to the request for proposal. Additionally, Alliant 3 will offer a provision for open seasons opportunities.
A GSA spokesperson told FedScoop in an email that “Alliant 3 will build upon the successful Alliant and Alliant 2 GWACs, but it is a new unrestricted enterprise GWAC, which will have an increased focus on emerging technology, performance-based contracting measures, small business subcontracting, open seasons, C-SCRM standards and an environmental and sustainability plan.”
Given that there is no ceiling for the multi-award contract vehicle, the spokesperson said “it is difficult to accurately anticipate annual spend as the majority of the tasks on the GWACs come from outside of GSA.”
The spokesperson continued: “Although, year-by-year fluctuations are inevitable, we expect [the] spend on Alliant 3 to remain steady or trend upwards.”
The GSA said it is looking to include “every conceivable aspect of IT services,” which includes artificial intelligence, biometrics, quantum computing, machine learning, cloud computing and more.
The RFP states that the agency will evaluate proposals from highest total claimed score to the lowest, and will take the 76 highest scorers to be the preliminary qualifying proposals. Each contract will be scored within elements including relevant experience with emerging technologies.
This no-ceiling contract, with a minimum contract guarantee of $2,500, follows the Alliant 2 GWAC, which had a $50 billion ceiling that was later raised to $75 billion to allow agencies to continue using the contract vehicle to purchase IT-related solutions as they await the launch of Alliant 3.
FedScoop previously reported that because of the success of the Alliant 2 program, GSA considered moving forward with the next GWAC sooner than expected.
The GSA’s landing page for Alliant 3 currently states that the agency is “currently developing the next unrestricted Alliant 3 GWAC.” GSA directs interested parties to the community of interest, which serves as a forum to discuss topics related to the upcoming GWAC.
This story was updated July 3, 2024, with comments from a GSA spokesperson.