USDA unveils program to develop next generation of CIOs, CISOs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a new program to develop chief information officers and chief information security officers.
Called the CIO/CISO Multi-Agency Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SES CDP), it’s accepting applications from current federal employees looking to lead the department’s IT offices.
Applicants must have previously managed subordinates and be General Schedule-14 or above, according to the posting from Monday.
The program itself consists of formal trainings, assessments and seminars with participants expected to complete a 90-day executive-level developmental assignment. Funding for the 80 hours of training is being provided by the Federal CIO Council.
Participants will identify an SES mentor, create an executive development plan and ultimately submit a portfolio to the CIO/CISO Executive Resources Board for approval — before they can be certified by the Office of Personnel Management’s Qualification Review Board.
Applicants must submit a two-page response to technical qualifications for either the CIO or CISO track and also a supervisory endorsement form before the interview stage. The deadline is Aug. 23, and selectees will be notified by email.
As is typical throughout the government, USDA has a top-level CIO and CISO, but many of its component agencies also have those positions.