CIO Council launches Federal Mobility Group
The Federal CIO Council is merging a pair of existing federalwide mobile technology programs with the launch of the Federal Mobility Group.
The new group is “a federal Community of Practice that coalesces the membership and goals of the existing Mobile Services Category Team (MSCT) with those of the Mobile Technology Tiger Team (MTTT),” according to a CIO Council blog posted Tuesday.
The council says this breathes new life into the efforts of the two already existing programs and “crystalizes the partnership” into a single point to support federal agencies as the definition of mobility continues to evolve with emerging technologies.
“The FMG provides a singular conduit for the federal mobile community, whose purpose is to share information and identify cross-agency needs for mobile policy, guidance and best practices, acquisition of mobile devices and services, and operational requirements for federal mobility programs,” the post says.
With the group’s launch, the CIO Council has set forth initial priorities, including streamlining inventory data call spend surveys, bringing mobile into the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program, providing an implementer’s perspective for development and updating of NIST standards and guidance for secure mobility.
The group, which reports to the CIO Council with executive sponsorship from NASA CIO Renee Wynn, will be chaired by leaders from the Department of Homeland Security, General Services Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It also includes three “at-large agency representatives. To keep the group’s efforts aligned with federal acquisition policy and priorities, it also has matrixed requirements to report to the federal IT category manager.