Gov Actually Episode 12: Martin O’Malley on leading and managing the government of the future

The Gov Actually podcast is back this week with a very special guest: former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.
A candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2016 election, O’Malley has experienced government leadership at almost every level, including as the mayor of Baltimore before his time as governor of the Old Line State.
Among O’Malley’s keys to success, he spoke with Gov Actually hosts Dan Tangherlini and Danny Werfel about using data to drive decision-making, an idea that he pioneered during his time as governor.
“You see a change because of the information age brought about and the ability to have everybody know all of the information at the same time in open and transparent ways,” O’Malley discusses.
He continues: “It’s a new and better way of governing that I’ve seen especially effective mayors and effective county executives embracing before governors have taken it on wholesale, or even a federal government.”
But central to that is a leadership that embraces the deep pool of talent at the different levels of government.
“There is a tremendous reservoir of commitment, talent and knowledge, and experience in every government, whether it’s county, whether it’s city, whether it’s state, whether it’s federal,” the former Maryland governor said.
Hear that and more on the latest episode of Gov Actually, and catch all of the episodes on iTunes and SoundCloud.
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